Extubation is the process of removal of the endotracheal tube representing transition from a well-protected to an unprotected airway, performed with the anticipation that the airway will be protected by protective reflexes. Extubation in a patient with difficult airway, anticipated…
Local Anesthetics
An Excellent article on Local Anesthetics [pdfviewer]http://www.anesthesiaworld.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/LA.pdf[/pdfviewer]
Predicting Fluid Responsiveness During Low Tidal Volume Ventilation
An interesting article from the journal of critical care medicine. [pdfviewer]http://www.anesthesiaworld.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/The_Changes_in_Pulse_Pressure_Variation_or_Stroke.96741.pdf[/pdfviewer]