Vasopressors are used frequently by the anaesthesiologists and intensivists, both inside the operation theatres (OT) and in intensive care unit (ICU) in the management of hypotension due to various causes. Following is a review of use of different vasopressors commercially…
Peripheral Venous Access
Venous access is an essential prerequisite for safe anaesthesia and is as much required in several other clinical situations. It can be peripheral, central or peripherally inserted central venous cannulation. Peripheral venous access can be easy, difficult or rarely impossible.…
Bimanual Laryngoscopy
Video laryngoscopes
New tools for Difficult Airway Management Introduction Technological innovations have played a vital role in development of specialty of anesthesia. From the time Robert Macintosh introduced the direct laryngoscope for endotracheal intubation, it has remained the gold standard, save for…
General Public
You might be undergoing a surgery or might have had one. Or your beloved ones may …… You may have good or unpleasant memories of lying on the table in OT, breathing some gases,or injection here and there………… Welcome to…